The Badly Dubbed Adventures of the Great Samanchi Warrior : Episode One
by Reece & Jake Donovan
It's hard to say exactly what sparked the actual idea for THE GREAT SAMANCHI WARRIOR. I believe it was primarily used as a way to test the new hand-held camera the had received for his birthday. It was also to be used as a test file for using the program "LSMaker" (which is used to super impose the light sabre effect, frame by frame onto movie footage). There are numerous other the videos that use the LSMaker effects, but for THE GREAT SAMANCHI WARRIOR we decided that it would be out of place and that the depth of the storyline carried the footage without such cheapening effects. That, and it was far too cumbersome to actually do.
We recorded the sequence in Jakes room, free cam, with either one of us holding the camera at any one time or setting it down somewhere. It was then edited and overdubbed in my room. The sequence was by no means one of my first editing jobs, but it was certainly one where I had looked more into the science of editing and clean cuts. I was particularly proud of the cut were Jake as "Evil Master Duska" hit the ground after being defeated - it is probably the most seamless cut in the sequence.
We recorded the sequence in Jakes room, free cam, with either one of us holding the camera at any one time or setting it down somewhere. It was then edited and overdubbed in my room. The sequence was by no means one of my first editing jobs, but it was certainly one where I had looked more into the science of editing and clean cuts. I was particularly proud of the cut were Jake as "Evil Master Duska" hit the ground after being defeated - it is probably the most seamless cut in the sequence.